Conference Hosts

Conference Hosts

The conference is hosted by the interdisciplinary Situational Analysis Working Group ( in cooperation with the Centre for Social World Research and Method Development (Zentrum für Sozialweltforschung und Metodenentwicklung, ZSM). The conference also serves to network national and international researchers.


The organizing committee of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Situationsanalyse: Sonja Gaedicke (TH Köln), Rebekka Haubold (Leipzig University), Anna-Lisa Klages (TH Ingolstadt), Christian Rhein (Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media), Tamara Schwertel (University of Cologne) and Olaf Tietje (LMU Munich), jointly with the Center for Social World Research and Method Development (Zentrum für Sozialweltforschung und Methodenentwicklung, ZSM)  under the operational lead from Maria Kondratjuk, Tim Flügge, Maik Pecenka (University of Magdeburg)


The Situational Analysis Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Situationsanalyse)

We are a group of scientists from different academic fields who work in research (doctoral theses and postdocs) with the interpretative data evaluation method of Situational Analysis. We formed in 2016 after a workshop with Adele Clarke - the founder of this method. Our aims are to support each other in the application of this still young method and to establish it in research and teaching in German-speaking countries.

We currently meet on the 3rd Friday of every month via Skype and discuss maps and draft texts from colleagues or exchange ideas on methodological and methodological questions and problems. We organised doctoral student workshops and are planning further academic activities to promote exchange on Situational Analysis.

In 2023, we published the anthology “Die Situationsanalyse als Forschungsprogramm - Theoretische Implikationen, Forschungspraxis und Anwendungsbeispiele”:

Letzte Änderung: 22.01.2025 - Ansprechpartner: