Further Information

Further Information

Registration for the Parallel Sessions and the Social Activities

You can now use our Conftool-Platform to book in for the different Sessions and Social Activities in order to plan your conference visit.

Detailed information on the Parallel Panel Sessions and the Joint Analysis Sessions can now be found in the conference program on our homepage: https://www.zsm.ovgu.de/-p-758.html

You can also register for the different Social Activities of the conference via Conftool:

  • Two Guided City Tours - By Feet through Magdeburg (5,00 €)
  • A Visit of the Museum Hundertwasserhaus „Grüne Zitadelle“ - Friedensreich Hundertwassers’ “oasis for humanity and nature in a sea of rational houses” (23,00 €)
  • A Get-Together on Wednesday Evening at the Restaurant Daniel’s (a la cart and on a self-pay basis)
  • The Conference Dinner on Thursday Evening at Hotel Ratswaage (15,00 €, exklusive Getränke)

Detailed information on the individual program items can be found on our homepage: https://www.zsm.ovgu.de/-p-758.html

Please register for the program items in the Conftool by 27.10.2024 (deadline) at the latest and transfer the corresponding fees.

In order to do so just log in and select the option Edit You Event Registration Details and/or Register for Another Event.

For loggin, just follow the link: Conftool-Platform à https://www.conftool.org/mapping-situational-analysis-2024/index.php?page=login


Data Material Exchange for the Joint Analysis Sessions

To be able to work in the best possible way in the time-limited Joint Analysis Sessions, it is important to prepare for the sessions. To do this, you need to take action:

Please contact the contributors whose Joint Analysis Sessions you have registered for (via Conftool) so that they can provide you with the material for preparation.

You will find the email addresses for the exchange of material on our website: https://www.zsm.ovgu.de/-p-790.html

We ask all contributors who submit material to the research workshop to do the following:

  • Keep an eye out for e-mail requests in your mailboxes (including the spam folder).
  • Please prepare the data material for the sessions in an appropriate format and in accordance with your project-specific data protection guidelines. Usually 1 page introduction to the research project with specific questions for the group and 2 to max. 8 pages of data material.

Please note that we will not be able to print out the data material for you at the conference.


Arrival and registration at the conference desk

The conference will take place in Building 40 (G40) of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. You will find the permanently staffed conference desk in the foyer opposite the lecture hall building G44: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KRgjDctqAqED1CTP8

The address of the conference building is: Zschokkestraße 32, 39104 Magdeburg

For general orientation you find the campus map of our university here: https://www.ovgu.de/unimagdeburg_media/Universit%C3%A4t/Dokumente+und+Formulare/Campusplan+Uni+Magdeburg.pdf


Important: Don't forget your VGA adapter & drinking bottles

In the interests of sustainability, we will provide you with drinking water dispensers next to the catering. Please bring a drinking bottle/container for yourself that you can fill up there.

@All contributors: The projectors in our seminar rooms mainly have a VGA connection. Please bring an appropriate adapter for your end devices so that you can connect to the projectors if necessary.


Good news

Finally, we would like to inform you of the good news that the team of the situation analysis working group has successfully acquired DFG funding. This will enable us to offer our planned Conference Dinner at the Hotel Ratswaage on Thursday evening for only €15.00 per person. In addition, we are able to subsidize travel expenses after the conference if required. We will inform you about the further procedure after the conference.

Letzte Änderung: 26.11.2024 - Ansprechpartner: